Toy Stories - The GuestbookSam's Toybox Homepage

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I was hospitalized in 1963 and my dad bought me the Bango Bango game as a special gift. It was lots of fun. Thanks for having it here so I could show my 13 yr old daughter.
MaryAnn Wijtman <>
Santa Clara, CA USA - Monday, December 29, 2008 at 23:21:05 (MST)

I had a SCM as a kid. great toy. mattel should bring it back. one of the landmark toys of my youth...also:GI Joe..creepy crawlers..king kong.
craig gartman
chireno, tx USA - Saturday, December 27, 2008 at 17:34:59 (MST)

It's great to see the Old Sixfinger Toy in your collection. I don't remember having one but I remender the song."Sixfinger Sixfinger man alive how did I ever get along with five" If you sell one let me know. thanks. John
John <>
san francisco, ca USA - Saturday, December 27, 2008 at 13:08:09 (MST)

I was given the Plasticast set as a child. I loved it! The resin was mixed with drops of another liquid to help set it. The molds got fairly hot to touch. I remember embedding many things such as a 4 leaf clover, which turned a horrible color due to the heat. I also tried flowers which did the same. The butterflies that came with the set did fine, of course! Seeing this site brought back many memories of my childhood. I have 6 brothers and sisters and we had a lot of the toys you have on this site between us.
Sarah Anderson <>
Maysville, ky USA - Monday, December 22, 2008 at 18:57:35 (MST)

My brother passed away 6 years ago and I think a lot about when we were young children together. I remembered he had the Big Burger Grill and Incredible Edibles so I started looking for pictures of them on the computer. I found your site and was so excited. The packages look just the same as they did when I was a little girl. Just seeing the pictures of the toys he once had brought back sweet memories for me. Thanks so much, and have a sweet Christmas. Susan Root
susan l. root <>
leawood, ks USA - Sunday, December 21, 2008 at 17:30:29 (MST)

En 1961 vi por TV anunciando Creepy Crawlers de Mattel. tenia 6 años. Lo pedi para Navidad y me diverti mucho haciendo figuras. Yo vivia en la fontera con USA y asi fue como lo consegui. Ademas compre moldes adicionales de Batman y de un Soldado con armas y demas accesorios. Busque el mismo juguete cuando mis hijos tenian 6 años pero no tuve suerte. Sin embargo guardo muchos recuerdos. Ojala lo hubiera conservado, ya que es exactamente el mismo kit que aparece en la foto. (When I was 6 years old -1961- I saw a TV commercial of Creepy Crawlers from Mattel. I wanted for Christmas and had a lot fun with it. I was living in the Mexico-USA border and that was how I got it. Also I bought additional molds like Batman and a Soldier with their own accesories. I was looking for it when my kids got 6 years old but with no luck. Anyway, I keep good memories of this toy. I whish I could keep it to date on as I saw the same package that I had before)
Jose Cardiel <>
Matamoros, Tam Mexico - Wednesday, December 17, 2008 at 10:26:00 (MST)

Thanks for having the sub search game instructions! Now we can include this vintage gaming art form to our Christmas vacation plans! Kind Regards, WMD
Morey Day <>
S.L.C., UT USA - Thursday, December 11, 2008 at 15:01:32 (MST)

I am the youngest of 8 kids, and almost never got new toys. we had a "one way" puzzle and, ha ha, it became my inheritance! I love it! My 4 year old can get it back into the arrow shape before me!!! My husband, the Cheater,(but just in this case!), found your website to make the square. I didn't even have a chance to try! Oh well. Nice memories, thanks!
mair <>
Cleveland, oh USA - Friday, December 05, 2008 at 20:07:03 (MST)

Wow, some of these toys I had forgotten all about and some I could barely recall on the edge of memory. What a great site! Thank you for posting these, it brings tears to my eyes of a happy and more innocent time.
USA - Tuesday, December 02, 2008 at 20:15:12 (MST)

I was stricken with nostalgia recently and remembered having the "lake of blood" maze as a kid. Like most of what I owned back then, I got rid of it and have since wished I hadn't. Remember, kids - never throw ANYTHING away!
Will <>
Minneapolis, mn USA - Thursday, November 20, 2008 at 20:57:33 (MST)

Just thinking about all the toys I loved as a kid. The anticipation of the J.C. Penney's toy catalog every year and what G.I. Joe Adventure Team set I would beg for. I have all my Hot Wheels from the late 60's and early 70's which I didn't see any mention of. I also still have my Sea Diver toy that I had alot of fun playing with. Unfortunately my Aurora model of the ship from the animated series Fantastic Voyage was destroyed by being played with way too much. I had a Major Matt Mason when they first came out. I also had a friend whose dad was a lawyer and remember him having everything made for Major Matt Mason. All the other astronauts with their different colored suits, the alien figure, all the vehicles including the space crawler and the tractor that towed the ball with the chair in it. There is one toy I had, (but not any more, lost it to parental garage sale years ago) that I wonder if anybody would recognize by description. It was a large jet airplane. It looked kind of like a Mcdonnel-Douglas Phantom 1. It had a pilot and a co-pilot, one sitting behind the other. The rear co-pilot seat was gray and had a parachute compartment behind the seat. A wind knob on the side of the plane, that looked like a teardrop shape radome, wound up an ejector mechanism for this rear seat with the parachute. I can't remember if there was one or two levers on the bottom but you ejected the canopy first and the the ejector seat launched. The pilot with parachute attached would seperate from the seat set/parachute compartment and float down via the parachute. This plane was probably about 30" to 36" long with silver landing gear in locked down position. I have never seen anything like it but, it sure would be neet to see another one
Bob <>
Alton, IL USA - Tuesday, November 11, 2008 at 21:30:54 (MST)

Hi! I feel really happy to know that there are others who enjoyed their spirograph as much as I did. I think mine must have been an earlier model than 1969 as I was born in 1953 and I doubt I was older than 10 when I used to use mine. I bought something similar for my 3 year old grandson recently and he really enjoyed trying to make pictures with it. I will try to see if I can get an "original" .That would be superb! We can play together! Regards to all those spirograph lovers out there!
Jannah <>
swindon, UK - Monday, November 10, 2008 at 04:07:41 (MST)

I recently helped my mom move and going through stuff I found my ORIGINAL vertibird. The best part is that there is no corrosion and the bird operates perfectly! Thanks to web sites w/links like this one I will be able to restore my vertibird Its original look.
James traver <>
anchorage, AK USA - Sunday, November 09, 2008 at 22:10:06 (MST)

I still have my 65 in one kit in very good condition. I had a Big Bruiser tow truck. I still have a frustration ball-good condition. I have a Major Matt Mason from mine and my brother's collection. Miss the space crawler we had. I have the record with Mr. Spock holding the Enterprise on front. I also had a Vrroom II. All I have left of it is the key and the speed control. A neighbor had an X-15 riding (toy?). It was one fast wild ride. Used to have a tinkertoy set and a complete erector set. Where does all this stuff disappear to? I recreated the MMM space crawler. The toy's were so dang cool. Oh yeah...I had an incredible edible! Well...later now.
Raymond <>
augusta, ga. USA - Tuesday, November 04, 2008 at 02:45:41 (MST)

Love your web site.It brings back alot of childhood memories.I agree with you...who could get such a cool gift and not ever take it out of the box...
Brenda Bates <>
quakertown, pa USA - Sunday, November 02, 2008 at 17:48:54 (MST)

I was just talking about Kabala at the office...of course, I couldn't remember the name...remember only that it had an glow in the dark eyeball with the name "Eye of something that started with Z"....THANK YOU FOR THIS SITE!! I told my co-workers I remember picking up this game with my mother from the delivery desk at our Sears catalog center. And there it is, on your site, the exact big white box I had all those years ago! I used to play this game down in the basement of our split level home. Sure wish I still had it.
Julie Casey <>
Narragansett, RI USA - Tuesday, October 28, 2008 at 11:42:04 (MDT)

I was talking about the Sooper Gooper, of course. As far as the helicopter, I got hit in the head with that by my brother too many times to enjoy the memories.
Becki <>
Seven Points, TX USA - Friday, October 17, 2008 at 14:10:58 (MDT)

Thank you so much for the memories. My grandparents bought this for me for Christmas when I was young and I've thought about it a lot over the years, wondering just what it was called. Your description of the flavors brought back many forgotten memories as well! Imagine letting a child play with such a hot, metal toy! Too bad for my kids.
Becki <>
Seven Points, TX USA - Friday, October 17, 2008 at 14:08:16 (MDT)

Thanks for the memories! My best friend had "Fascination" and "Stadium Checkers". I was trying to remember the name for the game of "Fascination". Thanks to your website, I found it! I was really wracking my brain for that one! I found out they still sell it! I might get me one! Play it against my husband!!Tee Hee! And I had almost forgotten "Stadium Checkers" until I saw it on your website! My friend always beat me at both games! That devil!LOL! I wish I could find her now! She still would probably beat me! I also had the "Giant Cootie" game! I think I got it for Christmas 1964 or 1965.
Marlene Ansley <>
Clarksburg, MA USA - Saturday, October 11, 2008 at 19:31:30 (MDT)

What a great find! I too launched my career in electronics and circuit-board design through my experience with the American Basic Science Club kits. My interest in photography, astronomy, meteorology, and my understanding of physics were also greatly enhanced by this series; and they helped propel me into my major of engineering physics in college. What a shame there aren't such affordable and easily understood kits for today's youth! I suppose marketing such things in today's litigious society would be a risky endeavor - especially since little Johnny could get a bit of a shock if he didn't follow directions to NOT TOUCH THESE TWO WIRES AT THE SAME TIME! Back in the 60s you learned your lesson and didn't repeat the mistake; today his mom calls the lawyer to see if they can get something for nothing!
Barry <>
Lubbock, TX USA - Saturday, October 11, 2008 at 04:01:13 (MDT)

Very nice site. I also collect vintage games, my collection keeps on growing. Recently I have been selling vintage games on eBay. I love it when someone emails me and says thanks for the memories and this vintage game find. I get them from auctions, yard sales, estate sales, thrift shops, you name it, old games are everywhere. I am going to finish my game parts web site in the near future and help folks keep those old games going by replacing the lost parts.
Julie <>
Twin Lake, MI USA - Tuesday, October 07, 2008 at 21:20:20 (MDT)

Loved your site, brings back many memories! I've created my own free computer application that mimics many of the functions of the Spirograph. Just "Google" SpiraPaint. Have to say sites like this were the inspiration for my program and I hope it brings some joy to those who discover your site!
Phoenix, AZ USA - Tuesday, October 07, 2008 at 11:51:27 (MDT)

I was playing with "one way" a blast from the past and it was driving me crazy because I remembered figuring it out as a kid, but I couldn't remember how to make the square. Me, my mom and my kids, and my husband were all trying to do it. Thanks (?) to the internet we found the answer on your website. I was glad to know the answer, but felt bad for "cheating"!!!
Claudine Tocci <>
Broomall, PA USA - Monday, October 06, 2008 at 15:36:07 (MDT)

Hi, I still have my merlin also. :) just was never able to part with it. I don't have the instructs, but the game is easy to follow.
janesa beal <>
cincinnati, oh USA - Saturday, October 04, 2008 at 16:46:09 (MDT)

Looking for some parts and surfed in , man I still have the shack kits and use to let the kids at sons school take them home and they had a ball with them ...I have the radio shack air kit still sealed and had lots of the toys listed.. sister still has my Green Ghost game mostly complete 50 I still play with the 150 in 1 75 in 1 160 in 1 and other kits ....some I have had to tin wires for but still fun
Woody <>
stockton, Ca USA - Thursday, September 25, 2008 at 16:48:53 (MDT)

Got VertiBird for christmas one year(can't remember the exact year)and LOVED it! Played with it for 6 hours straight until it was time to clean up for Christmas dinner.Older sister and her husband came by,so,I had to show it off to them. My brother in law proceeded to play with it for hours and ate his Christmas dinner on the living room floor! My sister told me he bought one the next day. Thanks for the memories Sam!
Kurt Clawes <>
Arlington Hts, IL USA - Thursday, September 18, 2008 at 19:59:40 (MDT)

Thank you so much. Not only did you information on the Super Spirograph set (2400-blue) you had a picture of it. This was my most favorite toy ever. It brings back so many wonderful childhood memories. As years passed and growing up with 5 siblings, somehow my Spirograph got lost. Today, no manufacturer can make Spirograph sets like they were made back then. Treasure yours. It is one of the very few great toys ever made.
Hope Wynn
Tallahassee, Fl USA - Thursday, September 18, 2008 at 08:19:32 (MDT)

Hasbro's Think-A-Tron was a gift I received one Chanukah. It must have been about 1961. The Think-A-Tron was sort of a precursor of a computer. It would remain my all-time favorite toy. Boy, would I love to have one now.
Eve Rothfarb <>
Santa Barbara, MN USA - Tuesday, September 16, 2008 at 20:35:28 (MDT)

Rome City, IN USA - Tuesday, September 16, 2008 at 17:12:16 (MDT)

I couldn't imagine anyone having a Trik Trak, too cool. One of my favorites as a kid. I added you to the link list on my blog. Blessings, BC
Bob <>
USA - Sunday, September 14, 2008 at 08:13:37 (MDT)

I have a Precious Metals Cool Jewels Jewelry & Gem Kit. Item 80085 that makes a heart locket, sunflower yin/yang, peace symbol and fish. I can send a pic. I also have the Sea Life kit. My toys aren't for sale either, but if you want to send pellets, I'll mold one of each for your collection. Is there another metal that can be used in place of pellet refills?
Brigitte <>
USA - Thursday, September 11, 2008 at 11:06:26 (MDT)

Thanks Sam, I have been looking for the 1935 monopoly game for a long time. A friend of mine years ago was going to through away the game, but instead she gave it to me. What a joy to have. It's in mint condition never been played with money still has original rubber bands as does the cards. I also have the board to the game. I have been moving and came across it, haven't seen it in years, so I might sell it. If your interest let me know. I will give you first grabs since you collect games and have a way of protecting them better than I can. Thanks again for a great site I will pass it along to friends and family. Lee
Lee Templeton <>
Clarence, IA USA - Wednesday, August 27, 2008 at 18:35:55 (MDT)

My parents got my brother and I a Magic Mosaic by Diset when we were kids. It has been a toy that has provided many hours of entertainment. I'm 27 now and I am a nanny. Future genrations of kids are getting the oportunity to play with wonderful toys from my past. Now the kids all want to get their own :) A toy that provides hours of entertainment (and educational), yet requires no batteries is very hard to find for today's youth.
Paula <>
Tacoma, WA USA - Tuesday, August 05, 2008 at 23:06:36 (MDT)

i just want to thank you for helping me find info on my arnold palmer indoor golf course. i have to sell it due to health issues and you gave me great info. i am computer ignorant and you helped me alot. if you can help me sell it let me know. i do not anything about the auction sites cause i get confused thank you again
john d <>
IL USA - Thursday, July 31, 2008 at 01:02:49 (MDT)

I have been looking for Drive Ya Nuts and found it here, your link to ebay found one I can buy, thanks for the link. I solved this as a teen and wanted to have one for my friends to try to do, just to Drive them Nuts. I will be back when I have more time. thanks, di
Di <>
Orange Lake, FL USA - Wednesday, July 23, 2008 at 21:47:50 (MDT)

I just wanted to say THANK YOU for the walk down memory lane tonight. I have been ill for quite some time and it seems that nostalgia is more and more important to me lately. Battling Tops and Which Witch and The Voodoo Doll game were my fav's. I was born in 1966 and I would have never thought I would want these games so bad now. I remember my mom's yard sales and also the trash can that was the demise of my games. I guess it's very true that hindsight is 20/20! I also loved my Fisher Price Little People (yes, the wooden ones) circa 1960's being my favorite toys as well. Thanks Again. I added your site to my favorites and I will be back, God willing. :o)
April Myers <>
Monroe, MI USA - Tuesday, July 01, 2008 at 19:54:00 (MDT)

I have been going to estate sales, garage sales and second hand stores in search of those toys that I did not get as a child because we simply could not afford them. Now I get to live out my childhood. I did have a spirograph and it was one of my very favorite toys. Since then I have purchased many more. I have recently acquired a Spiroman by Kenner in the box and will be posting it out on Ebay next week. I had never heard of it nor did I long to have it. So I am listing it out so maybe someone else can enjoy it the way that I am enjoying recreating my childhood. Have a blessed day
Kay Needham <>
Hoover, Al USA - Thursday, June 19, 2008 at 18:41:37 (MDT)

fAIRHOPE, AL USA - Saturday, June 14, 2008 at 09:16:52 (MDT)

I had a Feeley Meeley game! It was so much fun! Now I am trying to find one for my mother who is legally blind. She would be so good at this game!! Besides the monkey & the false teeth, what other items were in the game? It's been such a l-o-o-o-ong time! Thanks for posting this!
rosie <>
VA, VA USA - Friday, June 06, 2008 at 21:52:55 (MDT)

I have the 65 in 1 Science Fair Kit. Very good to excellent condition. The manual is in near mint condition, no torn or missing pages. The Copyright Yr is 1972 for this product 28-250
Bradley Stevens <>
San Diego, CA USA - Tuesday, June 03, 2008 at 20:19:52 (MDT)

I have a Disney Electric Drawing set from Lakeside Industries Minneapolis 6 MN. still in box with story sheets what do you think it may be worth please let me know. Thank you Marce
Marce <>
USA - Thursday, May 29, 2008 at 18:21:47 (MDT)

I have been looking for Feeley Meeley forever!!! Just to see it on your site brought back so many happy memories - thanks for sharing it - made my heart smile!
lor <>
voorhees, nj USA - Wednesday, May 28, 2008 at 18:15:14 (MDT)

I had a mattel varoom motor. Did you know that they had a bicycle that was built around that motor?I had one(actully 2 one was stolen) when a I was 7-8 years old.It looked just like a real motorcycle shocks front and rear knobbie tires and a fake gas tank with a hatch that would open to put whatever inside.It also had a key ignition mounted in the middle of the handle bars.This was 1966-67 Memphis Tenn.Man I thought I was the coolest kid in Memphis. Great site! Thanks for letting me relive my childhood. God bless. Sandy Hancock La Habra,Ca
sandy hancock <>
la habra, ca USA - Thursday, May 22, 2008 at 22:45:31 (MDT)

I have seven Aurora monster kits from the 60's. They are missing a few parts and I didn't save the boxes. I still love looking at them and watching those old movies. I remember watching those movies when I was a kid they scared me to death. You have a great website. I'LL BE BACK!
Robert W Kerr <>
Acworth, Ga. USA - Friday, May 16, 2008 at 22:01:14 (MDT)

I had that Kooky Carnival game as a child--won it in a raffle at my dad's company picnic. My brother and I played it a lot. Not sure what happened to it, but you know how that goes.
USA - Wednesday, April 23, 2008 at 21:06:50 (MDT)

Hi,Sam, I have a 1949 Schaper Cootie game complete with box one eye missing, my mother had save it for me all these years. It look just like the one you have on your web site.
Gary Cinader <>
Peoria, AZ USA - Sunday, April 20, 2008 at 22:47:23 (MDT)

I taught high school in 1974, mostly Physics, but one year I began a new class in basic electronics for freshman. I bought the 65-in-1 kit to teach the class. They learned a lot and I didn't have much class prep.
MPC <>
Gaithersburg, md USA - Tuesday, April 15, 2008 at 12:24:29 (MDT)

EXCELLENT SITE !!!.....Did it ever bring back memories ! Found your site looking for the 'Dynamite Shack game'. Lots of great toys on this site that our parents and grandparents paid very little for ( In comparison ) for our birthdays and Christmas or just for being a good kid with a few A's on te report card. My favorite was the 0M Sonic Blaster by Mattel. Designed somewhat like a bazooka, It delivered a deafening blast of compressed air that could easily cause permanent hearing damage from a considerable distance. Lots of fun though !! I have no idea what my folks gave for this toy back in the mid 60's but I read a blog when the writer said one might be aquired for about 3000.00 !!!...Should have held on to one. Just like the 63 corvette I sold in 1976 for 3300.00..Live and learn !!! Great job !!
Ken West JR. Sc.D <>
Carson City, NV USA - Sunday, April 06, 2008 at 22:19:28 (MDT)

I have been into RC aircraft for over 30 years and I have had the Mattel Vac U Form machine for a long time but have never used it. While doing a project for a friend we had need for vacuforming some covers and I decided to give the former a try. It still workes just fine. However, I have never had the instructions and searched the web for them. Found your site and the copy you have provided. I would like to thank you very much for being kind enough to provide them free to those who need a copy but not necessarly an orginal. Thanks Sam
John Lockwood <>
Layton, Utah USA - Thursday, March 20, 2008 at 21:44:05 (MDT)

Hi I got a Mattel's Injector Western World a few years ago from the original Mattel toy creator, who's name I won't mention, It is brand spankin new All I did was open the end (Very Carefully) and look at it. It is all cello wrapped also I got the Gentleman from Mattel to send me a paper stating who he is (autographed Paper). Does any one know what is worth with the authenticated paper? Nice web-site! Thanks for your time Aurora1Craig.
Craig <>
Western New York, N.Y. USA - Thursday, March 20, 2008 at 16:19:58 (MDT)

Just had to say your site is brilliant! I have been looking for information on the disappearing square and you have solved it for me. The students I work with will be well pleased! I aquired the game recently, but knew nothing about it or how it was meant to be as it was in pieces. I will now look through your site more thoroughly to see what memories it brings back. Thank you for such a fantastic resource. Best wishes from the UK
Tina <>
seaford, east sussex england - Thursday, March 20, 2008 at 12:36:58 (MDT)

I was with Anchor Toy Corp. 1958 thru 1972 Anchor was a division of Transogram located in Sikeston Mo. Many of the toys used on the set of the movie Yours, Mine, and Ours were made there in Sikeston when I was in the sample and toy show display department. To see your website brought a lot of old and very good memories.
Jerry Fraley <>
Old Hickory, Tenn USA - Wednesday, March 19, 2008 at 20:48:48 (MDT)

I really never missed all these great kits until I realized that they are hard to find. And that they cost a great deal more then when I was young. I fear sometimes that kids today don't make model kits. They are too busy with other things. They really don't know what they are missing. Thanks Bob
Bob Burrow <>
Tulsa , Okla USA - Sunday, March 16, 2008 at 14:14:47 (MDT)

Hi Sam, Love the site - it's an endless flashback for sure! I really like seeing the changes in packaging and artwork over the years too. Just wanted to mention that Electronic Detective came with a floppy 45rpm record with a commentary/promo spoken by Don Adams - I don't think it was advertised anywhere and probably most have been lost over the years. If you're interested, I have the game with record. Keep up the collecting. Cheers.
Dave <>
Melbourne, Down Under - Sunday, March 09, 2008 at 23:25:58 (MDT)

Sam, what a wonderful site you have. I've been looking on ebay, as well other sites for a long time, and I finally found the game I've been looking for. It is called Open Sesame by Ideal. Like some others wrote, I too wish I had taken better care of all the wonderful toys I had when I was a kid. Thanks for sharing all of your terrific treasures. Gloria G. So. San Francisco
Gloria Giusto <>
So. San Francisco, Ca USA - Saturday, March 08, 2008 at 00:39:56 (MST)

The more I look around and read on this site, the more I miss MY toys. I wish that as a Child I would have taken better care of my toys rather than to have played with them like I did. I LOVED the Inchworm and rode that toy till it literally fell apart. I hear that Wal-Mart is selling them now, but am not positive that it will be the same. I had the neatest little tea set which matched my Momma's Corning ware with the little blue flowers. Baby Dolls that laughed when you bumped them or that shrank when you pulled a string on their back only to grow to full size again when you let that string go. I just wish that I could remember the names of all of the neat things I had. Does ANYONE remember the purple colored Octopuss that you could stretch like crazy? It would have been similar to a stretch armstrong I suppose. If anyone does remember this, please let me know... I'd love to atleast find a photograph of one.
Susie <>
Statham, GA USA - Thursday, March 06, 2008 at 12:18:24 (MST)

I had this same Pepsi Dispenser when I was little. This was made in the mid to late 1970's as I was born in 1974. I guess I must have been about 3 or 4 when I got it and I sure served a lot of "customers" (family) with this soda machine. I wish I still had mine... oh well, hind sight is 20/20.
Susie <>
Statham, GA USA - Thursday, March 06, 2008 at 12:05:42 (MST)

When I was a kid in the 50's, my grandmother would visit bringing Donald Duck comic books, Hostess Cupcakes or Twinkies, and cap rockets. I spent a lot of time playing w/ the latter (and banging rolls of caps w/ a hammer). Of course, as a kid, you take that stuff for granted, but now it is just a memory. I regret to say that I don't see kids outside playing on their own much any more. My grandkids park in front of a TV playing video games and I'm not sure if they've even had a snowball fight. I know my complaint isn't just a by-product of getting older. I read that the parks and conservationists are complaining that people just aren't getting outdoors like they used to.
John Shuey
md USA - Sunday, February 17, 2008 at 09:14:15 (MST)

I want my toys back! by Peter Barton Fletcher I want my toys back My big brother (RIP) dismantled my best toys and left them to be thrown out by my mom. I had a "Big Bruiser" tow truck that I waited two Christmas's to get. I had an "SST" Jaguar car that was so cool that I took it to school for show and tell and everybody thought it was best thing anyone had ever brought. I had a "Fright Factory Thing Maker" set that made glow in the dark eyeballs and spiders. Not to mention a regular "Thing Maker" for you're more run-of-the-mill "Creepy Crawlers". I had "Estes-Rockets" that were so perfect that I would never set them off because they looked so awesome sitting on my dresser. Well, my brother set'em off and I wasn't even there to see it. They were useless after that. If you haven't guessed by now, these toys are all from the sixties and seventies. Lethal, dangerous and fun! Lots of small parts to choke on and many sharp edges that would cut, scrape and mutilate. And no pesky warning stickers to quash your fun. A "Thing Maker" was basically a hot-plate that you poured noxious plastic "Gobble DeGoop" (Yep, that's what it was called.) into metal molds and plugged it into the wall and let that sucker get to about 140 degrees and cook that plastic until the whole house smelled like the brakes of a "Mack" truck going down a ski slope. I can smell it now and I still get a buzz just thinking about it. The "Incredible Edible" Thing Maker cooked "Creepy Crawlers" that you actually ate. For the girls there was the Kenner "Easy Bake Oven". There's nothing like a miniature cake cooked by a light bulb encased in a plastic molded oven with metal walls inside and you used metal tongs to remove the cookies, brownies, cakes or muffins. Plenty of additives-plenty of preservatives! Early skateboards were no more than a piece of particleboard with metal roller skate wheels attached to the bottom. They were loud and you would fall an awful lot. No helmets-no kneepads. "Estes Rockets" were scale replicas of actual rockets that you hooked up to a 12 volt dry cell battery which ignited a cylinder filled with some type of blasting powder that would send that rocket 1000 hundred feet in the air-along with fingers, eyeballs and small household pets. You still may be able to get these rockets but you probably have to be eighteen and have certificate in firearms training to get one. Mousetrap, Operation, Kabala, Rock'em Sock'em Robots, Hands Down, Kennedy Airport, Spirogragh, Secret Sam, Rings'n'Things...the list could go on forever-I want them all. Not the contemporary versions but the authentic article. With the advent of Ebay, I'm slowly retrieving my nifty stuff. And my brother can't get to them! He lives in Florida and I only talk to him once or twice a year. But if he ever comes to my house, he's gonna stay the hell away from my stuff. I'm not trying to recapture my childhood; I just kick myself in the ass that I don't have those great toys on a shelf somewhere in my pad. AND THAT REALLY PISSES ME OFF!
Peter Fletcher <>
Hollywood, Ca. USA - Friday, February 08, 2008 at 13:18:40 (MST)

I bought the toy, Monster Machine, for my son back in the 70's. After a divorce things like this turned up missing!! My son has always wondered where this toy went, because he spent hours and hours using it. It was such a cool toy!! Hope I can find it somewhere also. I might just surprise him with a special Christmas gift. Thanks for the pictures, and the memory!!
Bev King <>
Indian Lake, NY USA - Wednesday, February 06, 2008 at 15:10:05 (MST)

I enjoyed all the classic toys like this as a child growing up in the sixties. I had the creepy crawlers, and made many a glow in the dark skeleton with it, and I also had the incredible edibles as well as the time machine in which you would put colored flat squares in the chamber, and they would turn into dinosaurs. Ahh, the memories, those were the days. Thanks for the look back. Steve
Steve Burke <>
Johnstown, NY USA - Friday, January 25, 2008 at 20:56:35 (MST)

Dear Sam, What a wonderful site you've created. Great memories. Incredible Edibles has been on my mind (and my siblings) for years but we could never think of the name. Astrolite was a bonus !! Thanks for taking me back to my fun childhood where our games and toys were the BEST EVER !! Cheers, Kris
Kris Bowler <>
Seagrave, ONT Canada - Friday, January 18, 2008 at 10:22:05 (MST)

Sam, Home over the holiday, my parents, who are in their 80's, asked me to move all of the stuff in their attic to the basement, as the attic is diffcult to access. Amongst the stuff up there, I found some great old toys. The Arnold Palmer Indoor Golf Set was very well preserved, although the "green" had folds in it. I played a quick nine in the basement. I also had two of the IDEAL Motorific Torture Tracks. These were the biggest of the sets. I got one for Christmas and got he other the following Christmas. All the parts were there as most of the cars. Two other cool items; an old Coleco electric football set and a hockey set. This was not the type that had the sliding men on rods that hit a puck; these guys were stationary but rotated. You used a marble to play. We had about 8 different teams you could play with.
Dave Hanak <>
Phoenix, AZ USA - Wednesday, January 02, 2008 at 15:07:12 (MST)

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