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Incredible Edibles were a later line of Thingmaker toys by Mattel in the 1960s. Released in a number of different configurations, the sets normally included the Sooper Gooper oven, eight molds, six or eight tubes of Gobble-Degoop, and various other necessities. Later lines included the Kookie Kakes which included the Makery-Bakery Oven, Kakeroop and Frosteroop.
Interestingly one can find factory sealed sets of Incredible Edibles come up for bid on eBay once in a while. Who were these kids that got such a cool toy and didn't play with it? Below are all my Edibles sets along with my best guess of history and chronology. You can also check out my
Thingmaker/Creepy Crawlers page.
Other toys in my collection where you create something edible:
Chocolate Factory from Emenee,
Chuck E. Cheese Pizza Factory by Wham-O,
Frosty Sno-Man Sno-Cone Maker from Hasbro,
Kandy Kitchen by Transogram,
Mr. Peanut Peanut Butter Maker by Broadway Toys,
Queasybake Cookerator by Hasbro.
I believe this kit, item number 4550 dated 1966 was the very first Incredible Edibles set from Mattel. My set is nearly complete with the Sooper-Gooper oven, the cooling tray and handle, all eight molds, all six original foil packets of Gobble-Degoop (Cherry, Mint, Cinnamon, Root Beer, Licorice, and Butterscotch), and even the original candy sprinkles and toothpicks. Missing are the knife and fork, the baking cups, and the instructions. The goop in this set was Sugarless and according to the box was "Absolutely Delicious" though if my memory serves me correctly was in fact absolutely horrible. All the molds in this and every other set I've ever seen are silver though always shown on the box as brightly colored.

The next set, item number 4557 dated 1966 I believe may have been a special set made for the big catalog companies. The odd shape of the original box was probably OK for the retail stores who may get a case or two of the toys but not OK for a Sears who would need to wrap and ship hundreds of the toys. This set came with eight foil packets of sugarless Gobble-Degoop including the six flavors from the original kits plus Raspberry and Tutti-Frutti. My set has the oven, all eight molds, the knife, handle, instructions, and two empty foil packets which once held the Cherry and Raspberry goop.

This set is also item number 4550 dated 1966 but I believe it is actually from 1967, the year the Kooky Kakes set came out. With two different kinds of Incredible Edibles Mattel had to come up with a name for the original and as seen on the box this is now "An Incredible Edibles Toy featuring Goody Goopers". The newer set also features goop that is no longer sugarless and comes in reclosable tubes with screw-on caps. Still the same six flavors as the original set. My copy has the oven, the cooling tray, six of the molds, some of the original baking cups, and a partial tube of mint Gobble-Degoop.

An Incredible Edibles Toy featuring Kooky Kakes, this is item number 4575 dated 1967. The oven is called the Makery Bakery and is taller to handle the kake molds. My set, as you can see is mostly still sealed in its original cellophane. It has four chocolate and four yellow Kakeroop mixes but no Frosteroop. Apparently the former owner was hungry and ate the remainder of the food mixes right out of the packets.

This is the Super Incredible Edibles set featuring both Kooky Kakes and Goody Goopers, item number 4564 dated 1968. It contained the Makery Bakery oven, all 10 short goop molds as well as the two taller kake molds, eight tubes of goop, twelve Kake mixes, and all the utensils from both sets. My copy is missing the knife/fork as well as all of the goop and other edible products.

This is the rare Gobble-Despooks mold kit for Halloween. Stock number 4555 dated 1966.

This is the rare Kooky Kakes Prop-Ups accessory kit. Stock number 4569 dated 1967.

This is a set of Kooky Kakes Kakeroop and Frosteroop refills. Stock number 4562 dated 1967.

This is the Toymax Incredible Edibles Power Ranger set. These edibles are made by melting gumdrop type candy into the molds. Item 8816 dated 1994

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Last Modified: February 26, 2017
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