Toy Stories - The GuestbookSam's Toybox Homepage

Current Year Guestbook Entries

Wow, great photo of Barrel of Monkeys! Considering I haven't seen either photos or the real thing since the early 1970s, any photo is great. I'm an artist working on a series of 3D renderings (using Blender, Inkscape, Synfig and GIMP) of "Toys I Had" - thanks to this and the internet in general, I don't have to go entirely by fuzzy memories!
Daren Scot Wilson <>
Socorro, NM USA - Saturday, December 18, 2010 at 19:53:58 (MST)

Sam, thank you so much for having this wonderful website. You've help me come so much closer to a special Christmas plan I have for my sister. Her favorite gift received as a child for Christmas was Ideal's Electronic Detective. My father recently passed away and my mother is in the final stages of dementia at a nursing home so this Christmas will be hard. I wanted to let her relive getting her favorite christmas gift again this Christmas but am a little strapped for cash. I may only be able to afford a partial game on ebay (if I can win the bid) and your website has made it possible for me to ensure that I will have all the accessories that go with the game if the one I get is incomplete! You have made me so happy....I hope this works out and I can't wait to see the look on her face! I'm sure I will be coming back to this website again and again in the future! Your website is fantastic! Ahh, memories.
Ginny Magardino-Armant <>
rolesville, NC USA - Sunday, December 12, 2010 at 20:11:47 (MST)

Hi Sam. This is fantastic to see your Treasure of Aurora Monsters. In the early 70` I got the most of the Aurora Universel Monsters and had a lot of fun to build them and paint some of them. In many years I thought they were lost. My father had told me that he put them away for me, when I left home and in many many years we couldn`t find them. This sommer my father died, and we had to clean up on the roof in the garage. And suddenly i came a place where I haven`t looked for all these years, and there they were - in at box, the TREASURE was found. Thank you father, for keep them safe for me...
Steffen Christensen <>
Middelfart, Denmark - Tuesday, December 07, 2010 at 04:54:50 (MST)

Sam, My boy [6] is trying to do "Drive you nuts" Now I see the enjoyment that my mother had with this toy almost 30 years ago! Peace and Quiet! Thanks for the solution too! Next we'll find "It's knot easy" K
Kiachu <K****@******.***>
Springfield, IL USA - Saturday, December 04, 2010 at 06:05:09 (MST)

Sam, thanks for posting the sea diver info. I had one when I was little. The problem with it was keeping the water clean. I think mine got thrown out when it became a slime-filled tube. Too bad they don't re-release it. It was a cool toy. Curt
Curt <>
Yonkers, Ny USA - Sunday, November 28, 2010 at 17:43:54 (MST)

Sam, Thanks for posting your information and pictures of the American Basic Science Club kits. My dad bought the set for me about the time I was 12 in 1960. I eagerly awaited each monthly kit and built each with care as the parts had to be reused for future kits. What a great, practical introducton to Science it was. I still have the original Eight Science Laboratory manuals, which I occasionally thumb through nostalgically. Each had a flyleaf note from James S Kerr, welcoming us to the Club, thanking us for joining him in the journey, and introducing the next kit in the series. I believe that there were some additional smaller manuals for Photography and Morse code. These kits spurred my original interest in Science and Electronics and brgan a 50-year career in radio, electronics, and computer networks. It led to straight "As" in Electricity, Radio, and Television Shop courses in high school, an AAS in Electronics Technology, a BS in Electrical Engineering, a MS in Telecommunications, and jobs at The Television Workshop, Radio Repair in the USAF, WNVT Television 53, Computer Telecommunications for Shell Oil, Compaq Computers, and Cheveron/Texaco, 2-way radio repeater system implementation projects at Motorola, and I am still learning. Best Regards, Ron
Ron Hanson <>
Conroe, TX USA - Sunday, November 21, 2010 at 21:05:45 (MST)

This is great website, this is my firt time visite this web, don't forget to visite this rc helicopter web too
jhon <>
Houston, TX USA - Friday, November 19, 2010 at 00:23:42 (MST)

I had the Mattel Strange Change Time Machine when I was small. It was by far my favorite toy. I still talk about it today. (My kids think I'm nuts). I got into a lot of trouble as a child and so did my creatures. Luckily I did not face the same recourse as my creatures. I spent countless hours bringing my creatures to life and whenever I was through creating for the day or if a creature happened to be "Bad", I always made sure to heat and "crush them into submission" for another day. Thank you for bringing back a few fond memories. Raymond
Raymond Parastino <>
washington, utah USA - Thursday, November 11, 2010 at 19:12:54 (MST)

My dad, Art Hendrickson, did the artwork (line drawings of kids) for incredible edibles. He just passed away at 80. Needless to say, Christmas was a lot of fun that year!
Caamille <>
Kaneohe, hi USA - Thursday, November 11, 2010 at 10:14:59 (MST)

I found a toy called the bandit box in my uncle's garage. The box is in bad shape I had to tape some areas. The box inside is in excellent condition. Let me know if you are interested in it. 1972 Poynter Products
Nick <walton1130@verizon,net>
carrollton, tx USA - Monday, November 01, 2010 at 13:43:48 (MDT)

I have a Magnetel game in the box from 1963. It is a cool game
Dave Eischen <>
North Prairie, Wi USA - Tuesday, October 19, 2010 at 18:27:25 (MDT)

Thanks for the instructions to Booby-Trap. Am now able to properly instruct my grandchildren. Frank
FRANK Opavsky <>
Burlington, ON canada - Sunday, October 03, 2010 at 04:54:03 (MDT)

Just popped in to say Thanks for the WonderfulInfo I found on Toy's Here and Hi to All of Your Visitors.. have a Great Labor Day !!
Onnie <>
Yhomasville, NC USA - Saturday, September 04, 2010 at 18:35:39 (MDT)

I got the Strange Change toy when I was a kid, early 70's I think, loved that toy, I would spend hours heating the cubes, playing with the creatures, especially the scorpion..anyway got the bright idea one day to dig a hole in the back yard and make a lake with an island, caves for the creatures...about 2 feet wide and 6 inches deep, really cool...only problem was I didn't get permission....that was the worst trouble I think I had ever gotten into at that point! lol lol Must not have bothered me too much, because I still think of that as the best ever toy..played with it untill it just wore out..spent allmost all day making that pond and all would do it again if I had the chance :D
Kim <>
Tulsa, OK USA - Sunday, August 29, 2010 at 00:05:50 (MDT)

Was mentioning to a friend that I have an old metal Chitty Chitty Bang Bang car (about 5 inches in length with the pop out wings)and it brought back memories of old games including Hands Up Harry. Googled it and their was your site with pictures of it, just as i remember Harry 45 years later. I think we still have it in Mom's basement, along with Mousetrap, Waterworks, etc. and those darn Bonker balls you swung up and down to clap together (forget the name) I plan to read more of your Toy Stories. Thank you.
Vancouver, BC Canada - Wednesday, August 18, 2010 at 12:44:25 (MDT)

I found the High Gear Game by Mattel at a garage sale for 50ข. My sister loved the game growing up, but we didn't have it. She had to go to the neighbor's to play it. I found the directions here on your site. THANK YOU! I appreciate that you had them available. I cleaned the game up, got the gears all working again and am going to give it to my sister for her 58th birthday!
USA - Tuesday, August 17, 2010 at 19:38:44 (MDT)

I recently cleaned out mom & dad's garage (they're hoarders) and came across my old Incredible Edibles box, with most of the original pieces still in it. I don't remember much about it, but I probably got the toy when I was 8-9 years old. (I'll be 50 in December.) Anyway, I HATE to throw anything out. Most of the stuff from the garage was given to Encore, a thrift shop that employs the handicapped, but I'm afraid they won't appreciate it as much as they should. Would you like me to send this to you? I know you'd give it a good home. No, I don't want to sell it to you, I want to GIVE it to you. Thanks for this site. shel
Shelly <>
IL USA - Friday, August 13, 2010 at 09:33:32 (MDT)

Thanks for the Electronic Detective adobe files! One of my friends gave me his old game (working, near new condition with cards) but it didn't have the rules or a fact sheet to scan in and copy. This has saved me a heck of a lot of hunting around online! *hugs!!*
Anna Elkins <>
Crowley, TX USA - Saturday, July 31, 2010 at 15:13:45 (MDT)

This forum has answered all my questions and, hopefully, someone can answer this one: I got a toy in the late 60s for Christmas that was like the Formex 7, but made toy soldiers out of lead. You had to take a candle and smoke the molds to keep the lead from sticking (like a foundry would). You melted slabs of lead in a dish and stove like the Formex 7 and poured it into the molds. It worked great, much better than the Kenners Mold Master. The only problem is that it was rated as the most dangerous child's toy for that year. I continued to play with it, but it ended up getting banned. I have to assume that it would be a collector's item today.
joe <>
new brunswick, nj USA - Friday, July 30, 2010 at 21:59:07 (MDT)

Thanks for posting the solutions to the QED Disappearing Square puzzle. I've had this puzzle from new since the mid-80s, when I was given it as a present as a child. After opening it up, I took out all the pieces without a second glance, and have never been able to put it back together again, despite numerous attempts over twenty years. Finally, the solution!
Emily <>
Nottingham, UK - Friday, July 30, 2010 at 10:23:37 (MDT)

Trying to think of the name of the toy that made toy soldiers out of wax. It had a cooker which melted pieces of wax with a lightbulb, and then you poured the melted wax into molds. Anyone remember the name and toy company? Yes, I googled wax soldier making toys and had no luck. Thank you
Joe <>
new brunswick, nj USA - Sunday, July 18, 2010 at 02:51:46 (MDT)

I had 3-4 of the glow in the dark models (Mummy, Frankenstein, Dracula, and one that I cannot remember) that I loved assembling, painting, and displaying in my bedroom back when I was a kid (circa 1970). The only problem would arise at night, when I was trying to sleep and all four models stared back at me from my dresser. I ended up having to cover them up with a blanket so I didn't scare myself. Thanks for sharing the photos and info regarding these various models!
Dot O <>
Philadelphia, PA USA - Saturday, July 17, 2010 at 13:32:50 (MDT)

I purchased my Lollypop Factory off of Ebay and here is the youtube video that I made of it: Lollypop Factory Video.
Joe <>
New Brunswick , NJ USA - Thursday, July 15, 2010 at 21:07:27 (MDT)

I had a 0-600 computer when I was in grade school; very fun. It gave me the opportunity to play with computers before real microcomputers were available. I thought of it recently, searched and found this web site, and then wrote a simulation of it (Yahoo-search for it).
David Seaman <>
Winona, MN USA - Thursday, July 15, 2010 at 03:22:15 (MDT)

Love your toys.I have quite a few of my almost 50 year old toys,too.Its funny I remember the last straw game as don't break the camels back too.Hmm.Maybe it was the commercial??Off to youtube to look for the add! :))Thanks for sharing your toys!
Mary Jayne Naumann <>
Prospect Harbor, Me USA - Wednesday, July 14, 2010 at 11:58:32 (MDT)

The Emenee Lollypop Factory is the best toy I ever received as a gift. I got it for Christmas 1965. Toys from the sixties era were all hands on. The Lollypop Factory was great because you actually produced a sucker which to a kid is a big deal. Yes, you could burn your fingers on the burner, but it worked and produced enough heat to cook up five lollipops within 45 minutes. I will always charish that toy.
Joe Butera <>
new brunwick, nj USA - Tuesday, July 13, 2010 at 01:49:35 (MDT)

I was looking at the magic shot shooting gallery in your collection. It was a favorite of mine as a child. I played with it for hours. Now at 44 I would love to have it again as a memory of my great childhood.
Sam Ridgway <>
centerville , Pa USA - Wednesday, June 30, 2010 at 11:24:25 (MDT)

Hey, I found the game at a Thrift Store, but no instructions, all the parts seemed to be there, so I went to my "CONFUZER", and there you were! "AWESOME", and thanks BUNCHES for you site. Your right on my favorite list now. Thanks; Randy
Randy Kampen <>
Brainerd, MN USA - Monday, June 28, 2010 at 14:07:20 (MDT)

One more very important time consuming toy by my side.. LIGHTBRITE !!!!! I want one now !
tracie silvers <>
Sunland, ca USA - Sunday, June 13, 2010 at 23:59:32 (MDT)

Wow ! this site brings me back to when I was happy to play with my Kerplunk! for hours ! Or my Wheelo ! and then there was the Spirograph ! that was the coolest ever. I was born in 1962 and got all the cool toys from then to the 7o's ! Great toys came out then , Awesome board games too ! but, I think Rock'em Sock'em Robots was me fav.(and I'm a girl) Toys Rule !!!
Tracis Silvers <>
Sunland, ca USA - Sunday, June 13, 2010 at 23:57:56 (MDT)

My brother and I were just talking about Spy Detector not 5 minutes ago. I went online to see if it was available on Ebay and ran across your site. We LOVED that game. It was actually our older brother's game, who bought it in the early to mid-60s. The only reason none of us still have it is because we wore it out! BTW, it would have been really cool to see all the characters from Spy Detector on your site. I remember my favorite being The Diplomat. We often gave them names, too. For instance, the blond girl with the "big eyes" (she's in the picture you have of the game) was Sandy Dennis (the actress). Another one (I don't remember what the character was called) was a woman with wavy black hair, lots of jewelry, a wide mouth and thin lips, and who smoked. She was the spitting image of my best friend's mother. lol Great game! I'll have to come back and check out the rest of your site and see what other games I remember.
Barry <>
Columbus, OH USA - Sunday, May 23, 2010 at 17:34:08 (MDT)

Hi. Can one still get/find the Hoppin' Poppys game or the Mouse Trap game??! We grew up on these (among others), and on Hoppin' Poppies, my Dad taught me to look UP at where they will pop up to (rather than down at the mat), and with this technique, i always was the one to catch the hoppin poppies when they popped up! Thanks.
channahsorah <>
vienna, VA USA - Wednesday, May 05, 2010 at 08:22:28 (MDT)

I loved this game as a kid. I still have the "pool table", but I'm missing 5 of the 6 balls and the triangle. I'd love to introduce my kids to the game, but I've never been able to find the missing pieces. Enjoy it!!
Julie J. <>
St. Louis, MO USA - Saturday, April 24, 2010 at 16:32:20 (MDT)

I had a 160 in 1 kit as a child in Kentucky in the early 1970's. Over time I wore out the first kit and received a second which was wore out in time. I still have the wood boxes from two kits that I converted into a hinged box that I have used for keepsakes all my life. Two years ago going through my life in a storage unit in America, I found my old electronics box and bread boards from the mid 1980's. In the box where several of Radio Shack's small format experimenters manuals from from the mid 1980's. You may recall these colored booklets hung next to the components for years. Inside each are simple schematics hand drawn on graph paper. I have six or seven different manuals. These manuals repeat many of the experiments from the 160 in one style kits, without the numbered connections. I threw the box on a pallet coming here, and in the last year have designed several fun and useful circuits. Anyone interested in scans or copies feel free to contact me. Any one new to these kits buy a modern one. I owe a life of, electrical and electronic, knowledge and skill to this humble beginning. BTW I found a large number of retro style electrical and electronic kits (60's, 70's & 80's) in a boy scout store in Bangkok Thailand (exit the Ekama Bus Station, Sukhumvit Road 20 yards South past the coffee shop on the left). Damon SMS +85512692750 Cambodia
Damon Kennedy < >
Phnom Penh, Cambodia - Monday, April 12, 2010 at 23:07:32 (MDT)

I got a Kabala game for Christmas in the 60's and thought it was so very cool, but I wanted it to glow brighter. I proceeded to put it over a lamp at my gramma's house where it melted, naturally. Needless to say I was in big trouble and my parents threw the Kabala game away. I always wanted another one. Great website!!! A trip down memory lane with many toys and games. I also loved Creepy Crawlers.
Shari <>
St. George, ut USA - Sunday, March 21, 2010 at 13:02:53 (MDT)

You have lots of great toys. My fondest memories are with the little toys, not the big ones. I used to have the Chiclets and Tootsie Roll bank/ vending toys. They were some of my favorites. I used to run down to the drug store on Saturday morning and stock up. Your site says they sold in 1967 but I got mine for Christmas 1963. I had a set of them until recently. I've sold most of my old toys. Too busy and not enough space anymore. But I love to look back now and then. My kids have a great appreciation for the past without dwelling there too long. Very healthy.
Scot Ennis thesixtiesguy on youtube <>
Woodstock, VA USA - Sunday, March 21, 2010 at 12:29:04 (MDT)

When I was in high school in Dassel, Minnesota in the late 60's, I had a Saturday job. Schaper Toys rented an empty store and set up an assembly line for the assembly of the Voodoo Doll Game. They hired high school students. My job was to use a hot iron and melt plastic pegs for the orange Voodoo Doll to hold it onto the green frame. We were required to get a certain number of them done in an hour. I worked 8 hours a day on many Saturdays. That job helped me to save money so I could go to school. The assembly of that game was one of many jobs that enabled me to become a registered nurse. Funny thing is I don't ever remember seeing the game in a store and to be honest I had no idea what the point of the game was. I only remember putting the orange doll in a mold, placing the green frame over it and melting orange plastic pegs. Susan
Susan <>
Champlin, MN USA - Tuesday, March 09, 2010 at 17:51:10 (MST)

Hugo, Man of a Thousand Faces. Bro, you really made my day !!! All the best !
Scott C <>
W. Islip, NY USA - Tuesday, February 09, 2010 at 17:13:45 (MST)

My Dad presented me with an old toy that he had that have been in the family for years. It is 'The Instant Refund' It is in good working order. And will toss a quarter aright back at ya.
K Howard <>
newport news, v USA - Sunday, February 07, 2010 at 08:23:35 (MST)

I remember my younger brother getting a sticky finger one summer and I opted for the then also popular jingle jump. I was in the 4th grade he was in the third grade. Such fond innocent memories.
Sal Saldana <>
dallas, tx USA - Saturday, February 06, 2010 at 19:19:03 (MST)

If I recall, the Six Finger tag line was "Six Finger, Six Finger, Man Alive. How did I ever get along with five. I was just thinking of all the cool toys I had when I was a kid back in the sixties. Do you remember Clackers, Secret Sam attache cas, and Johnny Eagle Magumba Rifle? They don't make toys like that anymore. Oh, and don't forget metal Matchbox Toys.
John Zackert <>
San Antonio, TX USA - Sunday, January 31, 2010 at 21:44:25 (MST)

I collect Barbies. My husband likes '60s toys and board games. He recently bought the Kaboom game and I was checking out your page on it. Thanks for having such an enjoyable website!
USA - Thursday, January 14, 2010 at 12:45:47 (MST)

My kids spent hours playing One Way at my mother's. She recently passed away and while going through things, found the One Way game. I finally found this web site for a little refresher, now my grandkids have a ball trying to make the square, then put all the pieces back into the original container.
USA - Wednesday, January 13, 2010 at 13:40:07 (MST)

awesome site thanks for the directions to Sub search they are very handy for I have the game.
elida, oh USA - Sunday, January 10, 2010 at 14:43:32 (MST)

i also as a young kid can remember my older brother's smoking monkey toy, 2 yrs ago i was able to win one on ebay, i have seen so many variations on them, even on your collection,wich are true vintage and wich are replicas? the one i have does have a Company logo and product # wich i dont see on many of the current ones now on ebay? lol i even can tell on many of the newer versions the shiny new staples, lol
mikey <>
kyle, tx USA - Sunday, January 10, 2010 at 13:56:10 (MST)

INDPLS, IN USA - Friday, January 08, 2010 at 10:23:06 (MST)

I loved seeing your Monopoly stuff! I was trying to look for some intresting Monopoly board pictures, and I was amazed at the Wizard of Oz, Las Vegas, and Rudolph stuff! I'll put where I got the pictures from, so don't worry. Oh, but, you posted the Las Vegas stuff twice, though. (^.^)
Ansley Partosa
Confidential, TX USA - Saturday, January 02, 2010 at 14:58:55 (MST)

I had a Spirograph when I was growing up in the '50s. It was all-metal and extremely cool. I have never seen a picture of one on the Web.
USA - Saturday, January 02, 2010 at 10:19:00 (MST)

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