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Three Keys to Treasure is a very cool bagatelle toy from the Louis Marx Co. One shoots the marblesinto the plastic and tin playing field for points and prizes. If you get one marble into each ofthe three key pockets, you can then use the lever to open the prize door to retreive one of the twelvesmall prizes from the prize wheel. My toy was missing the rear legs which I replaced with suitable sizedowels, the metal key used to keep the balls from going down the shooting slot when returned, the instructionsand the cardboard sign that goes on top. I have 15 prizes and I believe them to be original, though it likelycame with more. There is noitem number on the box, though it does show patent number 2634129. No date either but I believe it to befrom the early 1960s.
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Last Modified: March 24, 2013
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